Journey to Sanoviv


Our bodies are instruments that allow us to love others, to serve others, to work and create and fulfill God's calling in our lives.

I've been thinking so much lately about what it looks like to care for myself well, to take care of this body God has made for me to walk this earth in. I know that when I don't care for my body, my spirit definitely suffers. And when I don't care for my spirit, my body suffers. It's all interconnected.

They "get" that here at Sanoviv- the interconnectedness of things. They work in teams of healthcare professionals instead of in silos. Because in medicine--just like in life--everything is interconnected.

I'm trying to take the time to rest, to relax. To reflect.

To reflect and be grateful for the journey my body has endured (and will continue to endure). To feel blessed about where my body is today, and to feel hope about how I will feel tomorrow.


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