Resilient. Warrior. Vibrant Red Head. Chronic Disease Sufferer. No matter what you call me, I’m here to change lives.

I’m Toni Lacey, and I’m on a relentless pursuit to change lives. Both my own, and those who the Universe brings to me through fitness, faith, and all the other journeys I am on.

So many people struggle to find happiness or confidence. And instead of working on the INSIDE (our unhelpful thoughts, our warring emotions, our self-sabotaging behaviors), we focus on the OUTSIDE (our beauty, our weight, our appearance, our careers, etc). Let’s be real: the inside work is WAAAAY harder.

This blog is dedicated to sharing all I’ve learned about the inside work. It is my hope that my story can inspire you to remember that you are worth fighting through all that inner crap that has happened to all of us, because inner healing is possible.

You are AMAZING. Thank you for being here.