Why We Should Walk Barefoot in the Grass


Can you remember the last time you walked barefoot on the beach or in the grass , and how GOOD it felt? We do it so much as kids, but we start to lose this connection with the ground as we get older. We are always in shoes- work shoes, gym shoes, fancy shoes, flip flops …

Years of extensive research has shown that connecting to the Earth’s natural energy, by walking BAREFOOT on grass, sand, dirt or rock, can bring all sorts of benefits. This practice is referred to as Earthing, or Grounding (I mean, as kids, it’s just known as being a kid! ).

Grounding appears to improve sleep, normalize the day–night cortisol rhythm, reduce pain, reduce stress, shift the autonomic nervous system from sympathetic (fight/flight) toward parasympathetic activation (rest/restore), and speed wound healing. WOW .

To dive just briefly into the science: when your bare feet or skin come in contact with the earth, free electrons from the ground are taken up into the body. These electrons are like nature’s biggest antioxidants—they help neutralize damaging excess free radicals in our bodies that when left unchecked lead to inflammation and disease in the body.

So COOL, right ??

Next time you’re able, try walking barefoot in a greenspace somewhere, or on the beach.


Are you Busy? I get it…


Journey to Sanoviv