Feed Yourself First: Reiki Lessons from the Heart

I went to my first Reiki appointment with Angel from Temple Road Journey today. I was familiar with Reiki but had not done a session in almost 2 decades. 

Angel has been doing Reiki with clients for over 18 years

Within just minutes of me arriving to Angel’s studio, she said she could feel that I’m just like giving my energy away and it is  just pouring, pouring, and pouring. She said my giving energy and receiving energy are way out of balance- that I’m giving more than I’m receiving. And that I need to be more honest with my energy and aware. 

She said I have emotions that are trapped in my diaphragm–like anger. She said she feels like I want to trust- that she could feel my energy saying I don’t trust myself. That trust kept coming over and over again. She could feel energy trapped on the left side of my neck, too.

She said I need to be cautious of how much energy I’m putting out.

She described it visually like the heart. Like when you think about the heart in the body. The heart feeds itself first with the blood and oxygen that it needs. And only then- after its fed itself- does it pumps the blood and oxygen and nutrients to the rest of the body. The heart gives- it’s a giver. But the heart also receives. And it’s a continuous loop. The heart can’t give out what it doesn’t receive, it needs to feed itself first. Just like us humans. What do they tell you on an airplane?? Put the oxygen mask on yourself first :) 

She encouraged me to really be aware of my energy. To be aware of how much I’m giving out, and how much I’m receiving.  And if something doesn’t serve me then I need to not do it.  

The Reiki session helped me release some emotions. It made me emotional…In a GOOD way.  It just helped me to feel what I already felt.  I have never thought before that what my body was feeling was trapped energy. Even though I left there emotional, I also left there with a lighter weight on “my shoulders”.

Days following this I had more energy and it seemed to help me be so aware of my energy/actions. Angel was amazing.


When the Negative is Positive


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